Welcome to the departments of General Medicine and Ageing and Health (A&H). We are delighted that you have chosen to work in NHS FV and hope that you will find your training to be an enjoyable and positive experience that helps to further develop your knowledge and skills.
You are all highly valued members of our team. We hope to exchange and learn from your knowledge and skills by way of active participation in teaching, training and quality improvement work. We actively encourage you to contribute in any way you can to influence positive developments in our department.
Key Contacts
- Rota Lead – Dr Iain Morrison (Cons Gastro)
- Rota Coordinator – Julie Innes
Your first port of call for rota or general queries should usually be through the shared doctors in training inbox:
For education leads see: Key Contacts
The medical rota is a complex beast which is overseen by Dr Iain Morrison and Julie Innes. All leave requests should be submitted using the below forms (also on V Drive), ideally more than 6 weeks in advance. Please bear in mind that not all requests can be granted as safe staffing needs to be a priority, however the team will do their utmost to try to accommodate.
Swaps can be facilitated as long as the rota remains compliant, however you may only swap with someone on the same rota line. E.g. CDFs can only swap among themselves. All swaps must be approved by the rota team.
- Medical Rota FAQs – answers many FAQs relating to the rota or the roles of each team member.
On the first day call 01324 566857 and leave message advising name, grade, ward, nature of illness and expected return date. This line is only managed during office hours so in the OOH period please also call duty manager on 01324 567902 with same information.
The above steps should be followed daily (unless you have a GP line) and you must also call to let us know when you have returned to work.