We are pleased to welcome you to Forth Valley Paediatric department. We always try to do our best to provide a high quality learning experience for you. I hope that you will enjoy your time here and will learn more about children and their health needs, and acquire new knowledge and practical skills.
Please see the link below to your Induction Pack:
Key Contacts
- Placement Lead – Dr George Nagiub
- Undergraduate Coordinator – Rachael Angus-Felton
If you have any concerns about patient safety, your learning, staff issues or any personal concerns etc please tell your supervisor in the first instance or Dr Nagiub.
Placement Details
On your first day Rachael Angus-Felton will bring you to the paediatric department following Induction and Dr Nagiub then carry out a tour and introduce you to the team.
Each of you is supervised by one of the consultants covering the acute service (children’s ward or neonatal unit). The name of your supervising consultant will be included in your timetable. Please introduce yourself to your supervisor at the start of your attachment. We expect you to present some cases to your supervisor.
Each of you will be given a timetable; you will have the opportunity to attend the children’s ward, paediatric clinics and the neonatal unit. There is a brief outline below of the type of activity within each part of the paediatric unit.
Children’s Ward
The children’s ward will accept children up until their 16th birthday; it is an acute receiving ward. You will have the opportunity to see a variety of paediatric cases.
You are expected to attend the morning handover (9 am in the school room). After that, you will attend the ward round and shadow FY2 /GP trainees and registrars. You will be given the opportunity to take history, examine patients and discuss them with attending doctors. Before you see any patient, please discuss first with the attending doctors and get permission from their parents.
Neonatal Unit
The neonatal unit is on Level 2, (women and children’s building). Labour ward and the postnatal ward are located on the same floor.
If you are assigned to the neonatal unit, you are expected to attend the handover in the doctor’s room at the back of the unit. After that, you will attend the ward round and shadow doctors looking after babies in the postnatal units and attend deliveries. You are expected to wear a scrub suit and follow strict infection control measures.
In the postnatal ward, you will have the opportunity to examine the newborns and recognise deviations from normal.
Paediatric Clinics
The outpatient clinics are located on the 2nd floor next to the children’s ward. Every day we have a variety of general and specialist clinics (Respiratory, CF, Allergy, Epilepsy, Neurodevelopment, Renal, Rheumatology). Please see permission from the consultant running the clinic before attending.
You are most welcome to attend departmental teachings, mainly on Thursdays and Fridays. You will also have your own teaching programme as stated in your timetable, however as a result of Covid-19 most of these tutorials will be held in an online format (live or pre-recorded).