Covid-19 has lead to a number of organisational and logistical changes in the way we work at Forth Valley Royal Hospital. We are extremely proud of the approach our staff have taken to the challenges posed during this time.

The Covid-19 intranet page is updated almost daily with changes to local and national policies relating to the pandemic, as well as housing guidance for clinical staff regarding PPE, patient care and testing.


A staff wellbeing area has been set up within the library/learning centre to provide staff with a quiet area to take some time out. Refreshments are provided by the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. The FV psychology team are also continuing to provide ad-hoc and appointment based support to staff members.

Please look after yourselves and your colleagues during this tricky and uncertain time; education supervisors, clinical supervisors, senior colleagues and the chief residents are all happy to provide support or lend an ear. The chaplaincy service based on the ground floor are also still operational.


FV has in house test capacity as well as links with the West of Scotland Virology lab if required. Samples should be combined oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal swabs and labelled according to whether patient is symptomatic or not. These samples must not be sent viathe pod system and should be taken by hand to the lab or via porter.


FVRH is following Health Protection Scotland guidance regarding PPE; in essence type IIR surgical masks are required at all times in patient facing areas, plus gloves, apron and eye protection for close patient contact. Signage in each department will direct you to appropriate PPE.


In order to protect colleagues and patients within the radiology department, please specify on imaging request whether patient is Covid positive, symptomatic or non-covid. X-Ray requests should be submitted via ordercomms and then telephoned through to the radiographers directly. CT/USS/MRI scans will be appointed by the department as usual.

Ward Layout

The traditional ward structure has been changed somewhat to cohort patients who are suspected, confirmed or symptomatic of covid. All admissions to hospital with symptoms fulfilling case definition will be admitted for assessment via Acute Assessment Unit 1with in-reach from all specialties. Orthopaedic patients maybe directly admitted to B11 rather than B23. Surgical Assessment Unit (SAU) will continue to admit and assess non-covid patients within the outpatient department.

Ward B31 will provide additional mixed medical and surgical capacity, with extra medical consultants and middle grades present to support junior colleagues and nurses on the ward.

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