Self help resources for staff are available on the Staff Support and Wellbeing section of the NHS Forth Valley website.
- Resident Doctors Peer Support –
- BMA counselling 24/7 –, 0330 123 1245
- National Wellbeing Hub – 0800 111 4191 (24/7), offers up to 3 sessions of support with psych. wellbeing practitioner – if they feel you require follow-up and on-going input, they will refer you on within your health board area.
- Occ. health staff counselling –, 01324 566663 office hours, self referral forms online
- MH workforce service –, 0300 030 300 (Mon-Fri 8am -8 pm, Sat 8am-2pm)
- FV Spiritual care –, 01324 566071 during office hours
Online resources
- Get Self Help – provides self-help and CBT resources
- Stress Self Help – Self help guide for stress, using effective CBT strategies. Make sense of your stress, then learn how to make positive changes.
- First You (specific NHS support) – A hand-picked collection of wellbeing resources for healthcare workers. “We imagine a world in which everyone is happy and healthy; where healthcare professionals take care of themselves first and are therefore able to take care of others.”
- The Workforce Specialist Service – A confidential mental health service for all regulated professionals working in health and social work/social care sectors in Scotland
- National Wellbeing Hub – The Workforce Specialist Service, delivered by NHS Practitioner Health, offers a confidential MH service. This is available to all regulated professionals working in health and social care in Scotland.
- Staying Safe (suicide resource) – “If you’re struggling and not sure if you want to live or die, can you, just for now hold off making this decision – keep reading and watching the videos for some ideas about how to get through. There may be things that you and other people can do to make things better.”
- Wellbeing and Coping – Building your wellbeing and helping you cope. Also contains some useful advice on how to complete a WAP
- Doctors Help (financial resource) “We bring together five independent charities that can provide financial support for doctors when they need confidential financial assistance. These benevolent funds provide vital support to help doctors in genuine financial need get their lives and careers back on track.”
- Second Victim Support – “A healthcare professional who has experiences a significant personal or professional injury as a result of an adverse outcome can be describes as a second victim”