Welcome to A12
A12 is a 32 bed general medical ward specialising in haematology and endocrinology patients. The ward is run by the endocrinology consultants, with a consultant of the week who takes responsibility of all general medical patients on the ward for that week. The haematology patients are cared for by the dedicated haematology team. The ward generally has a high turnover of patients.
Key Contacts
- Senior Charge Nurse – Nicola King
- Senior nurses – Elaine McDonald, Chris Reid
- Endocrinology: Dr Chris Kelly, Dr Nicholas Barwell, Dr Alison Mackenzie, Dr Hannah MacPherson, Dr Laura McLaren, Dr Anna White
- Haematology: Dr Hugh Edwards, Dr Roderick Neilson, Dr Rachel Boulton- Jones, Dr Katharine Hanlon, Dr Katrina Farrell
- 1 Registrar
- 3-4 middle grades. Usually a mixture of core medical trainees, 1 Endocrinology CDF, 1 GP Trainee
2 FY1s
Day to day
At 9am there is a board round where the medical staff, a senior nurse and AHPs are present. We go through all the patients on the ward and identify new patients on the ward as well as identifying discharges for the day. There is usually a focus for each day of the week (Monday- Medical, Tuesday- AHP, Wednesday- ward safety checklist, Thursday- advanced care planning, Friday- weekend planning).
After this the ward round takes place, the endocrine consultant of the week usually reviews the new patients or reviews one half of the ward. The middle grades will split the rest of the general medical patients amongst themselves. One of the middle grades will see the haematology patients, before the haematology consultant arrives at around 11 am.
After the ward round finishes there is another ward meeting with the medical team and a senior nurse. Here we discuss jobs to be done in the afternoon and confirm the patients which will be discharged on the day.
After lunch, jobs created from the ward round are done- chasing and requesting bloods, specialty referrals & advice, review of any new patients on the ward (usually done by middle grades), discharge medications and letters.
At 16:30 one of the team will go to the handover and pass on any outstanding jobs to the on-call team (any sick patients needing a medical review or any outstanding bloods/ investigations to be chased)
Specifics on A12
Ward Safety checklist – This is a checklist which prompts clinicians to complete basic checks in regards to patients’ care (checking medication, bloods, investigations, fluid charts, VTE prophylaxis).
Clinics – There are Diabetes, Endocrinology and Haemotology clinics for the middle grades to attend. The clinic list is available on the trainees’ board in the MDT room.
Chasing bloods/requesting bloods – At the end of the day, one of the FY1s prints a ward map from Trak care and labels the patients which have been put out for bloods the next day. This list is put on one of the notice boards in the MDT room.
Tepid topics (Wednesday) is teaching from the trainees and involves picking any topic and giving a short presentation on this 15-30 mins. Topics are usually endocrinology themed but can be anything. Timetable for tepid topics is found on the trainees’ board in the MDT room.
Weekly Grand Round meetings at 12.30pm via MS Teams. FY1 & FY2 teaching is on a Wednesday and Thursday. All teaching will be advertised under Events.