Each year at your appraisal trainers should document supporting evidence to demonstrate their continued professional development in a training capacity. The ROT framework can be view on the trainer information pages on the NES website.
As you will see at the bottom of the webpage above, a new web platform to support ROT is a work in progress. Until such time as that is available we have adopted a template for use in NHS FV. Trainers are required to provide one piece of evidence per 5 year cycle for each of the Framework areas required for their role.
- Educational Supervisor = all 7 framework areas
- Clinical Supervisor = areas 1-4 & 7
Each year of the appraisal cycle, evidence should be mapped to one of more of the framework areas. There is only a requirement to provide one piece of evidence for each of the framework areas over the 5 year cycle.
The DME will check your evidence at year 4 of the cycle against the framework areas and contact you with advice or to offer support if you are having difficulty meeting all the requirements.
The ROT group at NES, of which Kate Patrick is a member, is striving to make the whole process much easier to navigate but until that is achieved our local form is designed to allow you to add additional evidence over the 5 year cycle until all areas are mapped.