
NHS Forth Valley

Dundee Assistantship Undergraduate Teaching

medical education seminar room

This is weekly teaching for Dundee Assistantship teaching every week on Tuesday from 2-4pm. These are based on the following domains: common bleeps, lab investigations and professional dilemmas. Weekly teaching for block 1 will take place in the following rooms:… read more →

Edinburgh Medical Teaching

You will receive weekly teaching in various locations from 2pm to 5pm. These are based on the following domains: Professional dilemmas, Lab investigations, Common bleeps and Prescribing NB: For the week beginning 02/10- teaching has been moved to Tuesday 03/10… read more →

Psychological Skills for Wellness – Edinburgh 6th yr Undergraduate

Learning Centre Room 8

Psychological Skills for Wellness – Description Being a student in medical school can be stressful. Research shows that about half of medical students are vulnerable to experiencing burnout during training, and up to a third may experience clinically significant signs… read more →

Psychological Skills for Wellness – Edinburgh 6th yr Undergraduate

Learning Centre Room 8

Psychological Skills for Wellness – Description Being a student in medical school can be stressful. Research shows that about half of medical students are vulnerable to experiencing burnout during training, and up to a third may experience clinically significant signs… read more →

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