Turas is the NES portfolio platform used throughout the foundation programme. You should all have access to this before starting work; if not please email fv.postgraduatemedicaleducation@nhs.scot.
The ARCP page has more information regarding portfolio requirements and links to the Scotland Deanery website.
Top tips:
- Get started early in each block (especially block 3 as the ARCP deadline is tight)
- Log all teaching/education events
- Upload anything that demonstrates your competence (letters/emails of thanks, certificates, screenshots, photos, teaching feedback)
- Link as you go – each SLE or piece of evidence needs to be linked to a curriculum outcome, do this throughout the year
- Don’t struggle in silence. Speak to your educational supervisor or the post-grad medical education team sooner rather than later, they’ll be happy to help.
- Something is better than nothing. Although ideally SLEs should be completed by consultants or registrars, it is better to have a portfolio full of middle grade/SHO feedback than none at all.
- Send reminders. Consultants are busy people, using the reminder button to prompt feedback is entirely appropriate, within reason.
You will also be added to an FY1/FY2 MS Team where weekly teaching sessions are saved, and additional helpful information can be found.